I have been giving a lot of thought lately to what seems to me to be one of the best of the world's inventions. Not surprisingly, it is something I deal with every day and have for more than 40 years, but never gave much thought to before. It's a wonderful invention, it has changed our lives and impacted our lives on a daily basis since it's creation - albeit it began as elite item some few centuries ago. Anyone guess what it might be?
It's the chair. Yes, it began as a throne, while it's counterpart the tiny stool was still being used awkwardly by the peasant population. It's evolution to what we take for granted today is a thing of beauty, function and essential use, even, in some cases, a work of art. I can only imagine what life would be like without this wonderful creation.
So as I am thinking of about the theory of relativity and other great inventions (like the toaster and the wheel), I have to say that this one item in all of its forms is one that life would be quite difficult without. Not to mention, that as a designer, I have had the greatest of fun, and still do, working with the endless possibilities of fabrics to design these essential additions to any interior.